Sunday, 27 November 2016

exercise mid term

Have many books do you read in every month? What kind of books? 

QUESTION 1: How do you apply the three stages of Tafakkur on ‘BOOK’?

Stage 1: ____________________________________________________________________
(1 MARK)
Stage 2: ____________________________________________________________________
(1 MARK)
Stage 3: ____________________________________________________________________
(1 MARK)

Rejab: Whenever I try to read a book, it ends up the book reads me! I find reading boring, hence I can fall into snoring easily! Anyway to help me?

QUESTION 2: How do you apply critical and creative thinking to help Rejab?

Critical thinking (2 questions to get more information):
(1 MARK)
Creative thinking (2 specific non-typical solutions):

REJAB: Thank you for your suggestions. What will others think about your first suggestion?

QUESTION 3: Do a PMI on your first suggestion. (Drawing a mind-map is allowed, as long as points are understandable phrases) (2 MARKS)

You: ____________________________________________________

REJAB: Hmm… interesting. How about your second suggestion? How do we improve that?

QUESTION 4: Apply the REVERSION technique to improve your second suggestion.(2 reversions)(2 MARKS)

You: ______________________________

REJAB: Thanks!However, I think we should listen to gurus more than reading books about Islam because we should have a teacher to guide us. If we learn Islam without a teacher, we are learning from the devil!

QUESTION 5: Do you agree with the underlined statement? Write TWO (2) arguments. The arguments should not exceed 300 words.

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